Productivity Oppo

Kinja'd!!! "Mercedes Streeter" (smart)
05/22/2016 at 19:29 • Filed to: Productivity

Kinja'd!!!2 Kinja'd!!! 23

Alright, so I lost my job last Wednesday. To keep me from getting any more depressed than I already am, I decided to finish some projects...

- Finally got around to replacing those dead speakers (I already had the parts)...sweet spacer yo!


- Getting all wheel bearings fixed, for freeeeeeeeee!

- Got to see a Gemini spacecraft!


- Submitted 75 applications, have 1 interview for tomorrow!

In negative news:

- My mum refuses to help me pay my rent. She currently owes me $7,000. However, she refuses to give me it because she says I’m a failure and giving me the money would be a waste...she wants me to move back into her house instead. I’d honestly rather be homeless than do that.

- If I can’t get the rent paid, I have roughly about a month before I get evicted. Yay.


Kinja'd!!! Spridget > Mercedes Streeter
05/22/2016 at 19:41


- My mum refuses to help me pay my rent. She currently owes me $7,000. However, she refuses to give me it because she says I’m a failure and giving me the money would be a waste...she wants me to move back into her house instead. I’d honestly rather be homeless than do that.

I think you’re a failure and a waste of money, so come live with me . . . . . . da fuck kinda logic is this? Sue that bitch for your $7k, IMO.

Kinja'd!!! Honeybunchesofgoats > Mercedes Streeter
05/22/2016 at 19:42


I’m pretty sure submitting 75 job applications less than a week after losing a job is the opposite of being a failure.

Kinja'd!!! Slant6 > Mercedes Streeter
05/22/2016 at 19:44


How does your mom owe you $7000? Like that’s a lot of money, and she can’t refuse to give it to you.

Kinja'd!!! Daily Drives a Dragon - One Last Lap > Mercedes Streeter
05/22/2016 at 19:47


How can you be a failure if you submit 75 applications? That's ridiculous.

Kinja'd!!! Berang > Mercedes Streeter
05/22/2016 at 20:05


Your mom is failing at being a mother. ):

But don’t tell her that.

Kinja'd!!! petebmwm > Mercedes Streeter
05/22/2016 at 20:30


you’ll be fine, because you’re not lazy and entitled. so you’re already better off than the newest generation of lazy and entitled college grads...whatever they call themselves now...

Kinja'd!!! Frenchlicker > Mercedes Streeter
05/22/2016 at 20:52


75 applications in one week and at one point was able to give someone $7k. I think someone is getting wrong bout whom is the failure.

Kinja'd!!! Where have all the lightweights gone? > Mercedes Streeter
05/22/2016 at 21:46


Have you filed for unemployment? That could help with your situation at least part of the way.

Kinja'd!!! Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo > Mercedes Streeter
05/22/2016 at 22:14


You are having a rather alarming amount of misfortunes lately.

Also, time to cut ties with mom permanent-like... awful.

Kinja'd!!! Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo > Slant6
05/22/2016 at 22:15


Oh she most certainly can. Money is the solvent that unglues the bonds of family and friendships.

Kinja'd!!! Mercedes Streeter > Slant6
05/23/2016 at 08:34


She doesn’t want me to sue her and sell her precious house. I made her a deal (that I have recorded because she likes to fuck with my memory), $7k and I won’t sell her new moldy house.

Kinja'd!!! Mercedes Streeter > petebmwm
05/23/2016 at 08:35


Indeed, I’ve worked for everything I have in life, from the smart to my apartment.

Kinja'd!!! Mercedes Streeter > Spridget
05/23/2016 at 08:37


My mum does not operate on normal human logic...neither does my brother. Outside of my dad (who thanks to my mum, has no power), there is not a single person in my family that I can trust.

Kinja'd!!! petebmwm > Mercedes Streeter
05/23/2016 at 08:37


Exactly! now get to work!!

Kinja'd!!! Mercedes Streeter > Frenchlicker
05/23/2016 at 08:43


I wish I had $7k to give. What happened was a light threat followed by a deal. I hold ownership of my mum’s car, my dad’s car, and soon, the house they just bought. I made a deal with her, she gives me $10k right now, and I won’t sell her house in the future.

She negotiated me down to $7k, and I agreed to it. Now more than ever would be a grrrrrrreat time for her to follow through.

Kinja'd!!! Pixel > Mercedes Streeter
05/23/2016 at 08:59


If you own all that stuff, leverage your assets.

“Hi mom, I need to cover rent until I get a job. If you pay me the money you owe me that will cover it. If not I’m going to have to raise it elsewhere. Would you prefer me to put a title loan on one of the cars, or just list the house with a realtor?”

Then fucking do it. She already thinks poorly of you for no reason, may as well give her a reason.

Kinja'd!!! Frenchlicker > Mercedes Streeter
05/23/2016 at 12:12


I like what the other person said. If I've learned one thing from having sleazy family members it's that they are going to thing bad about you so you may as well give them a reason. May as well take the knife out of you back and put it in theirs.

Kinja'd!!! DancesWithRotors - Driving Insightfully > Mercedes Streeter
05/30/2016 at 08:04


Here’s hoping your applications led to something good.

That said, I’m inclined to agree with several of the others here about leveraging your assets. I know that if my mom treated me the same way as yours has, I’d do it in a heartbeat. Transitioning is hard enough without dealing with her bullshit, too. Take it from a fellow Oppo who is also on that journey.

Kinja'd!!! Mercedes Streeter > DancesWithRotors - Driving Insightfully
05/30/2016 at 10:03


Danke for the advice! I’ve been doing jussssst that. I think she will give in and pay my rent, which is an awesome start. Worst case, Miss Tesla does have many backups for funding. :)

Kinja'd!!! DancesWithRotors - Driving Insightfully > Mercedes Streeter
05/30/2016 at 12:27


Also, if you’re open to relocation, my company is really LGBT friendly (perfect score from HRC and all) and we do pay relocation costs...

Send me your resume and I’ll put in a referral.

Kinja'd!!! Mercedes Streeter > DancesWithRotors - Driving Insightfully
05/30/2016 at 13:41


What state would that be? :D

Kinja'd!!! DancesWithRotors - Driving Insightfully > Mercedes Streeter
05/30/2016 at 16:31


We’ve got positions nationwide, from CA to DC and many points in between. Look on and see if there’s anything interesting to you, and if so, send me your resume before applying. That way I can put you in the referral system.

Kinja'd!!! DancesWithRotors - Driving Insightfully > Mercedes Streeter
05/30/2016 at 16:40


danceswithrotors at gmail